Murambi Genocide Memorial Site

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Murambi Genocide Memorial Site:

Murambi Genocide Memorial Site is a very graphic display of the victims that were murdered.  In the words of one government official “The Genocide must live on.”

One can find Rwanda Genocide Deniers on the Internet of one stripe or another and Murambi with its contorted corpses gives testimony that the Genocide did take place. Thousands – between 27,000 and by some government estimates – 50,000 have their final resting place here as a reminder of what took place in the 100 days of darkness and hell that had descended on the Land of a Thousands Hills – Rwanda.

When the Genocide reached the Murambi area, thousands of Tutsis fled their home and sought refuge from the Catholic Church -the Bishop there insisted that they move from the church to a technical school in Murambi where the French would give them protection.

On April 21 – the Interhamwe descended on the school at Murambi and butchered thousands of Tutsis who were there without any protection – a few token policemen fled before the massacre.

Here is one survivors story: “My name is Emmanuel Mugenzira. I was born here in 1957 in Gikongoro, in the district of Nyamigabe. My family died here at the Murambi Memorial site—my wife, my five kids, two boys and three girls—they all died here. The oldest was only 13.

May the world never forget – The Genocide must live on…resulting in “Never Again.”

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